We’re teaming up with British Pet Insurance to focus on Equine Health and Welfare


With nearly 1 million horses and ponies in the UK, ensuring their health and wellbeing is paramount to their owners and carers, the Horslyx and British Pet Insurance collaboration aims to support them on a wide range of equine related care.

Horslyx are the market leaders in their field with a range of products, which help to enrich the equine’s health and lifestyle. Love is stretching exercises with Mini HorslyxThe creation of the larger sized licks has provided a product which occupies the horse’s time for longer in the stable or field, helping to prevent the development of stereotypies, whilst balancing the nutrient deficiencies in forage and grazing.  The small handheld Mini Horslyx are frequently used as a treat, however they are becoming widely recognised as a useful tool when handling horses and ponies in stressful situations.  Using the Mini Horslyx during these stressful situations creates a distraction and reward environment, rather than a fight or flight situation, helping to reduce chances of injury to both the horse and the handler.

Research conducted has shown that one in every seven vets has been injured by a horse or pony at some point in their career. This is unfortunately a recurring problem, with 95% of vets expecting to see challenging equines every month and the issues range from pushy, barging horses to rearing and kicking.

British Pet Insurance and Horslyx strongly encourage owners to investigate alternative handling methods to keep equines calm and under control and look forward to exploring this concept further as their relationship develops.

Horslyx Business Manager Fiona Nellis commented, “We are looking forward to Horslyx working together in collaboration with British Pet Insurance.  We share core beliefs, and both understand that horse health and welfare are paramount.  We are excited about the opportunities for future joint campaigns and mutual research, which will be of benefit to both horse and rider.”

Horslyx is recommending British Pet Insurance as the insurance provider of choice and is looking forward to debunking some of the myths that are raised when it comes to equine insurance with our customers.

British Pet Insurance CEO Andy Pearce says, “As an equine insurance provider, the health and wellbeing of horses and ponies is at the forefront of our attention. Our aim is to assist and educate pet owners on how to better look after their animals, minimizing the need for medical treatment, therefore helping to retain lower premium costs.

“Horslyx is uniquely placed to understand the needs of horses and ponies, and we wholeheartedly support their drive to raise awareness of alternative handling methods in challenging situations.”

Watch out for more news from  British Pet Insurance and Horslyx coming soon, with the opportunity for horse lovers to take part in groundbreaking research studies , enter competitions, and catch up on the latest news in equine care.