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What is it?
Horslyx Garlic Balancer contains pure garlic oil to help provide a natural and effective way to help combat the problem of biting insects.
Two independent research studies carried out at The University of Aberystwyth have shown that feeding Garlic Balancer can significantly reduce the irritation from flies and other biting insects whilst horses are at grass. The most recent report concluded: “This level of reduction is indicative that the consumption of Horslyx Garlic Balancer produces a beneficial effect for the horse and that this reduction in insect burden will allow the horse to be less irritable and more manageable”. Further information on the study can be found here.
A third independent study at Aberystwyth demonstrated that Garlic Balancer had beneficial effects in decreasing the number of times each affected horse tried to alleviate the irritation of sweet itch. This research concluded: “Feeding Horslyx Garlic Balancer helped to alleviate irritation caused by sweet itch, which in turn may reduce stress, making for a happier, more responsive and co-operative horse”, read the results here.
Why should I feed Horslyx Garlic Balancer?
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Garlic: Feeding garlic as a fly repellent is not a new idea, and works because high sulphur compounds in garlic are released through the skin via natural body secretions such as sweat, producing an invisible barrier that flies find repellent. Whilst they may still be present around the horse, they seldom land on the skin, and this significantly reduces the level of irritation normally seen.
Linseed Oil: Linseed oil is rich in Omega-3 oil and can help in producing a healthy glossy coat, healthy skin and boost the immune system. A horse’s natural diet can be low in Omega-3 so horses often need an additional source to provide these essential fatty acids for optimum health.
Antioxidants: Antioxidants are the body’s natural defence against oxidative damage from free radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced naturally within the body during immune challenge and in the defence against pathogens and play an important role in maintaining the health and integrity of all the different types of cells within the body. The major dietary antioxidants include Vitamin E and Selenium. Imbalances in pro-oxidant production and antioxidant capacity have been linked to ageing, muscle fatigue during exercise and to a number of diseases in horses (DJ Marlin, CE Dunnett and CM Deaton, 2005).
Horslyx Garlic Balancer contains pure garlic oil to help provide a natural and effective way to help combat the problem of biting insects.
Horslyx Mint Balancer is a palatable, nutrient rich lick containing vitamins, minerals and trace elements to balance the deficiencies in forage and grazing with peppermint oil for a cool refreshing flavour.
Horslyx Pro Digest Balancer contains a combination of ingredients to support the digestive system from the stomach to the hind gut while licking enhances saliva production which helps buffer stomach acidity.