A Safe and Easy Guide to Introducing Horslyx to Your Horse
When introducing Horslyx Balancers to your horse’s diet, it’s essential to prioritise safety and gradual adjustment. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:
A Safe and Easy Guide to Introducing Horslyx to Your Horse
When introducing Horslyx Balancers to your horse’s diet, it’s essential to prioritise safety and gradual adjustment. Here’s a simple guide to help you get started:
Gradual Introduction
Start Slow: Introduce Horslyx for 10 minutes a day for the first week.
Monitor Intake: Use the 5kg holder with the restrictor bar to track consumption.
Increase Gradually: Extend feeding time to 30-60 minutes after the first week.
Monitor Intake: Observe your horse’s consumption and adjust as needed. A general guideline is 250g of Horslyx per day for a 500kg horse
Ad Lib Feeding: Once your horse is used to Horslyx, you can leave it available for free access.
Horse Safety First!
Here at Horslyx, we prioritise your horse’s well-being. While the plastic packaging of our balancers is durable, some curious horses might enjoy kicking or pawing at it. To ensure your horse’s safety, we recommend the following:
Never leave unattended horses with the plastic tub: If your horse or pony shows any signs of kicking or pawing at the container, do not leave them alone with the product.
Stable and Secure Feeding
For optimal safety and convenience, we offer specific holders for our balancers:
The 5kg Holder provides an ideal way of keeping your Horslyx clean and away from stable debris, as well as preventing it from being kicked or trodden on. The 5kg Holder comes with a detachable restrictor grill, helping to prevent a greedy horse or pony from over consuming.
15KG Horslyx Holder is weatherproof and durable, it can be used as a floor feeder both in the field and stable. Ensuring stability and reducing the risk of damage from playful hooves. And to top it all off, it encourages natural feeding position to promote a healthy skeletal system.
Mini Horslyx Placement:
Mini Horslyx are not recommended for unsupervised use. Always ensure you are present when your horse enjoys the Mini Horslyx and the product should be held by you at all times.
Alternative Solutions:
If you prefer not to use our holders, you can find alternative solutions to safely contain the balancer. The priority is to prevent your horse from potentially ingesting plastic pieces or injuring itself.
By following these guidelines, you can safely and effectively introduce Horslyx to your horse’s diet and provide them with the balanced nutrition they deserve.